Friday, September 28, 2007

Chicken Nuggets outsourced

This article shows the shocking reality of where our chicken nuggets comes from. According to me, this is the height of globalization. The article shows how the chicken nuggets are processed in a production plant outside Bangkok. here, at the 'factory' chicken parts from Spain, China, Brazil are brought in and processed until the parts are indistinguishable from one another. According to the article unlike other meat, processed chicken nuggets are processed together maintaining the 15% fat, 30% bone and rest meat ratio. Thus, the texture has to do with the different parts of chicken added.

The article goes on to talk about the terrible working conditions of the workers working in these factories. It talks about how many workers lose their fingers by the blades used for cutting meat.

Lastly, the articles talks about the antibiotics added to the chicken processed in Thailand or China. These antibiotics are illegal in Europe, and thus, many European countries inspect the chicken nuggets before they reach the shore.

Next time you bite into McChicken nuggets, think again!

The Production of McNuggets article

1 comment:

Emily Arnfelt said...

nasty. nasty. nasty. Unfortunately your link doesn't work anymore, but what you've said is enough to make me never want to eat a chicken nugget again. What happend to the ALL white meat advertising? Can they really lie to thier consumers like that?