Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dangerous Chinese Toys

These days, we are getting a lot of news about children's toys that are made in China, and have lead in their paints, and are sold as nontoxic, but are actually poisonous. Thus, children are sent to the hospital. This is the backlash of globalization. As more and more manufacturing is outsourced, it is difficult to control the manufacturing conditions, an safety testing of products that are made. I think that safety testing of products is the responsibility of the American companies before selling them here. At the same time, Chinese manufactures also have the responsibility of making safe products and do testing themselves before selling them to the US. Lastly, I think that Chinese govt. should be controlling the safety of the products made.

1 comment:

sm45 said...

I also worry about this topic! I recently went shopping with my mom and we bought toys for my cousins. We didnt know until we got home but they were made in china. My mom feels to worried to give the toys to them that she returned them. I think something should be done to stop this problem becuase it is really scary if you have small children!